Virat Kohli was left stunned by the on-field umpire Nitin Menon’s decision during the IPL 2024 match between Royal Challengers Bengaluru and Mumbai Indians on Thursday. During the final over of the RCB innings, the umpire refused to award a waist-high no-ball to Dinesh Karthik after the batter went for a review regarding the ball delivered by Akash Madhwal. Karthik connected with the full-toss delivery around his waist and after the shot was completed, the veteran wicket-keeper batter promptly went for a review after the no-ball was not signalled. Replays suggested that the ball was just above the waist and like many social media users, Kohli was also completely confused as to why the no-ball was not given.
In a video going viral on social media, Kohli was seen having an animated conversation with the umpires after the RCB innings ended. However, the topic of the conversation cannot be confirmed.
After first innings, Virat Kohli was seen talking to Umpire for No ball but Umpire Indians already did their job.
Mumbai Indians produced a sensational batting performance to beat Royal Challengers Bengaluru by 7 wickets. Chasing a target of 197, Ishan Kishan (69) and Rohit Sharma (38) produced the perfect foundation before Suryakumar Yadav (52) and Hardik Pandya (21*) finished the game in style.Earlier, Jasprit Bumrah claimed his second five-wicket haul of IPL but was unable to stop RCB from posting a total of 196 for the loss of eight wickets. Faf Du Plessis and Rajat Patidar slammed gritty half-centuries before Dinesh Karthik provided the late flourish with a 23-ball-53.