Is the final Saurashtra wicket fell at 5.10 PM, the celebration in the Tamil Nadu came was muted. They had earned a place in the Ranji Trophy semi-finals for the first time in seven years, and had got there defeating the defending champions and the most consistent red-ball team in the last five years, Saurashtra, by an innings and 33 runs inside three days.
But, this is a side that is definitely not content with this achievement. With each passing game, the hunger only seems to grow. They will face heavyweights Mumbai or Baroda in the semi-finals later this week, but whoever it is, they ought to take this Tamil Nadu side – that is without a Ranji title since 1987-88 – seriously.
Having started Day 3 with a lead of 117, Tamil Nadu took it to 155 in the first session on Sunday at the SNR College grounds. On a two-paced pitch with variable bounce – certain balls kept low, and some jumped off the rough patches – even with Cheteshwar Pujara in their ranks, it was always going to be a tall order for Saurashtra.
And as expected, Pujara, who was offered a life on 2 with Vimal Khumar dropping him at short-leg off R Sai Kishore’s bowling, fought a lone battle.